Wind River Linux – A Path to Long Term Success

For nearly two decades, Wind River Linux has delivered the best of open source technology, integrated and optimized for embedded development, with the vision, innovation, and business-risk mitigation only a mature technology vendor can provide. In recent years we saw a flood of devices becoming connected into the growing IoT spectrum, introducing additional challenges for embedded device manufacturers. Today we are facing a new transformational paradigm driven by the growth of the cloud and the evolution of edge computing.
Often these edge devices are running Linux. Keep in mind, a new release of the Linux kernel is issued every 9 to 10 weeks with extended features and varying levels of hardware support. The open source community defines the cadence of innovation and provides Long Term Stable “checkpoints” along the way to be leveraged in real-word scenarios. But it’s difficult to keep up.
Wind River Linux goes one step farther, offering a Long Term Supported approach, with a predictable release cadence, a standard 5 years product lifecycle, enabling better control and risk mitigation. In our approach for building and releasing product, we invested into fully aligning with open source community deliverables, in a continuous integration paradigm. This allows us to be more agile, release sooner with better quality and focus on delivering added value on top of community-driven innovation, beyond the code itself and for longer term.
As good community citizens, we contribute and remain active in the open source community, fostering and upstreaming our own innovation. We also maintain Long Term Synergies with our partner ecosystem, offering the most extensive range of board support packages (BSPs) in the device software industry to aid you with board bring-up and design.
Supplemented with our Professional Services, Custom Content Management and Premium Support offerings, you can build the optimized solution for your next project. If your Long Term Strategy is to build groundbreaking devices more quickly and cost-effectively, then it really matters how you build your foundation for Long Term Success.
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