Top Three Challenges for Medical Device Developers
Healthcare is going through a major transition as digital transformation is producing innovative and life changing medical technology. New technology and modern software development methods are resulting in higher quality and level of care for patients, speeding up medical diagnosis, treatment data, patient recovery and saving lives. Taking it to this new level is not an easy task for medical device OEMs and developers. There are major challenges in planning, designing, developing, and going-to-market with new medical devices.
Medical technology OEMs must solve challenges such as a stringent regulatory environment, the ever-growing threat of cybersecurity attacks, the evolving introduction of new hardware and the advantage and complexity that cloud computing brings to the medical segment for OEMs, medical organizations and patients.
Recently, Tony Crupi, Senior Director of Field Engineering for the Americas and EMEA sales regions at Wind River, wrote an article outlining his views on the innovations that he is witnessing in the medical device segment. In addition, he discusses the major challenges that medical device developers are dealing with as they seek to develop innovative medical devices for healthcare.
In this article, Tony outlines how connectivity is driving advances in the medical device segment. He reveals what he sees as the Top Three Challenges for Medical Device Developers: 1) Regulatory Requirements that must be met 2) Hardware Support in the development of new devices and 3) Cloud Technology Integration into medical devices.
Read the full article to discover how connectivity delivers medical innovation and the full details of the Top Three Challenges for Medical Device Developers. You will learn how Wind River is working with medical device developers with a portfolio of software products, services and modern development methods via cloud platform technology to help develop innovative medical technology meet regulatory requirements, utilize new technology in the device design and using a modern DevSecOps cloud platform to integrate Cloud technology advantages in their products. Read the technology brief >