Wind River Demonstrations

Secure, Safe, and Reliable Software for Medical Device Solutions

New technology is revolutionizing healthcare. With patients’ health and lives at stake, even the most innovative products must still meet stringent industry regulations and standards for safety and security.

Wind River® is helping medical device developers usher in a new era of innovation that is secure, safe, and reliable for patient care with a portfolio of proven and modern software.

Watch demonstrations of medical device software solutions that use the Wind River portfolio of software products.

OTA Secure Software Updates

Wind River Linux

  • Over-the-air (OTA) updates for meeting FDA software update recommendations
  • Device security including signed images, secure boot, trusted boot, and trusted execution
  • Phased updates for fleets of devices
  • Operating system updates with OSTree

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Patient Monitoring

VxWorks, Wind River Linux

  • Same UI/UX across Windows, Linux, Android, and iOS devices
  • Same UI/UX across form factors such as em- bedded devices, laptops, tablets, and phones
  • Same code base using commercial off-the- shelf (COTS) software and tools

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Software Bill of Materials for Cybersecurity

Wind River Linux

  • Get BOM without exposing administrative credentials to validated systems
  • Match BOM against the national vulnerability database
  • Enable the device to self-sense, self-protect, and self-heal on intrusion detection
  • Track and monitor data requesters

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